Friday, April 9, 2010

Buggy Buggy World

Show and Tell

“It’s a buggy buggy world out there.”

When he was about four, my second-eldest nephew learned that phrase and had a knack for reciting it at humorously appropriate times. Actually, when you think about it, you could use it to end almost any conversation these days:

"Yes, it seems like everybody in Washington is there for the pork."
"You’re right – it’s a buggy buggy world out there."

"All Microsoft ever does these days is come out with new software to try and make us forget how bad their previous version was."
"I know – it’s a buggy buggy world out there."

"Did you hear that Sarah and Michael are getting married?"
"Really?! It’s a buggy buggy world out there."

(You think I’m kidding? Have you ever met Michael?)

Today's Show & Tell photo comes from a friend of mine who has a knack for finding some of the most fascinating things on the Internet. Monte Melugin, take a bow! Not only did Monte introduce me to Christoph Niemann, he’s found some photos taken by a physical therapist in Poland which capture insects as they’re resting in the dead of night.

As they perch still and dormant on a leaf in a state of torpor, heavy summer dew rests on their motionless antennae, eyes, wings, and other weird appendages. At about 3 am near his home in Jaroszow, Miroslaw Swietek gets up and slips into the woods around his village with a digital camera, a flashlight, and an incredible eye for secret splendor. He stalks his prey, sets his camera within an inch of it, and captures an image of bejeweled slumber. In the camera’s flash, dew droplets become gem-like ornaments that Harry Winston could only hope to emulate.

And those eyes – or ocelli, to be precise. The dew actually magnifies the microscopic intricacies of these optic orbs, and helps you realize how, when they’re buzzing annoyingly around you, these insects can evade almost all efforts at being caught.

Amazing, right?

You’ll forgive me, but I can’t resist delving into a little evolution-bashing while I consider these tiny creatures crouching on fragile leaves, with dew adorning even the slightest details. Doesn’t it take more faith to think natural selection contributed to all of this, than to believe that the almighty God of the universe actually crafted each molecule for His eternal glory? Dismiss my foray into intelligent design if you like, but doesn’t faith in evolution require ignoring many more facts than believing Genesis 1:1 actually supports?

Indeed, it’s a buggy buggy world out there, isn’t it?

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