Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Two Cabbies, a Knife, and Second Avenue
Hey - you know what? It's been a long time since I've told you one of my "only in New York" stories.
And with all the talk about Muslims in America these days, I had a flashback yesterday to one night in Manhattan, when I was living there in the early 1990's, and an absurd, politically incorrect event that rattled me as much as it rattled the taxi cab in which I was riding.
Yes, the stereotypical jobs for many Muslims in America run the low-wage gamut, from counter clerk at convenience stores and gas stations to cabbies in cities large and small. These jobs tend to be comparatively risky, and wholly unglamorous. They're jobs many of us tend to marginalize, and although they're all around us, Muslims working these lowly jobs rarely become anything more to middle class white Americans like me than a means to an end - like paying for a quick snack of junk food, or being shuttled from Point A to Point B as quickly as possible.
So it was, then, late one Manhattan evening, and probably after I'd stood around longer than I thought was necessary for a bus, that I hailed a cab for a ride down Second Avenue to my apartment on East 28th Street. Second Avenue is mostly residential, with no attractions for tourists, and no major office buildings, so after the evening rush, traffic would thin out fairly sparsely - by New York standards, anyway.
And my ride down Second Avenue began normally enough. The cab clattered and rattled as it bounced over Gotham's ubiquitous potholes, and I hadn't bothered to consider the ethnicity of my driver. What difference did it make? By the early 1990's, white cabbies had become extremely rare; most were from the Middle East, Africa, India, Pakistan, or Bangladesh. Many wore turbans, but I'd quickly learned to differentiate between the Muslim style - thicker, fuller and more circular shaped - and the slimmer and sleeker folds of more oval-shaped Sikh turbans.
Nevertheless, it was at an ordinary red light that I learned what appeared to be my cabbie's religion. How can I remember that? Because when we stopped at the intersection, my driver - a young, stocky, olive-skinned Middle Eastern man - glanced over at another cabbie who'd pulled up alongside us. The other driver looked very much like mine. Suddenly, however, my cabbie began yelling expletives at him (I'm assuming they were expletives) in a language I didn't understand. Our car windows were rolled down, both men were loudly yelling at each other, and I remember that both of them were wearing the same type of thick, round turban.
Okay, so yes; I reached my conclusions through basic stereotyping. But hey: If they weren't Muslim men from the Middle East, they sure weren't convincing as anything else.
Then, the light turned green, and both cabbies were off - tearing down Second Avenue like there was no tomorrow! And the way they drove, I began to wonder if I literally had no tomorrow. David Letterman used to joke that riding in a New York taxi was "like watching your life flash before your eyes." I'd taken plenty of those types of rides; most Manhattan cabbies believe speed limits, lane striping, turn signals, and brake pedals are for sissies. But this ride had instantly become something far more perilous.
Indeed, I quickly realized theirs wasn't simply some disagreement - and this was back in the days before we had "road rage." Some major hatred existed between these two cabbies, and since Second Avenue was wide open - about four traffic lanes with hardly any traffic at all - our two cabs surged and dueled across the open blacktop; potholes, uneven manhole covers, and all.
If any pedestrians had been trying to jaywalk, or walk against the light, they'd have been splattered all over Second Avenue.
We were flying. Well, flying as much as two heavy American-made sedans can fly down a poorly-maintained big-city boulevard. I'm pretty sure we did get airborne a couple of times though, however briefly. And as we flew, the cabbies never stopped yelling insults at each other. At least, I figured they were yelling insults. I didn't understand a word of it, except that theirs were words of scalding anger and utter contempt for each other.
Before too long, my cabbie reached down and brandished a big knife - a weapon he likely kept under his front seat in case he was ever robbed. He leaned across the front passenger seat to wave his flashy flesh-slicer at the other cabbie. The whole episode had crossed from the merely bizarre to full-blown lunacy! They weaved their cars back and forth across the empty traffic lanes, and even bashed their vehicles into each other! I kid you not. I used to wonder how New York's taxi fleet could look so incredibly beat-up and tattered, but if this is what cabbies do when the streets are sparsely-trafficked, now I know.
When 28th Street came up, I had to scream at my cabbie to stop and let me out. By that time, he seemed to have forgotten that I was still riding in his back seat, having braced myself between the two rear doors, practically anticipating a horrendous collision, but still fascinated enough by such raw drama to maintain my ringside perspective.
He slammed on the brakes, obviously furious over the delay I was causing him, as his nemesis continued full-throttle down the avenue. I threw a couple of bucks into the front seat - not the full fare, and certainly without any tip - and hurriedly scooted myself out the passenger-side door. I didn't even get to close it completely before my cabbie was off again - his barely-latched back door rattling ajar as the yellow sedan tore down Second Avenue to continue the fight.
Now, I'm not telling y'all this story to bash Muslims. I have no idea whether the grievance between these two men wearing Muslim-looking headgear had anything to do with religion, Islam or otherwise. Maybe they recognized each other at the stoplight as being rivals for the same woman, as unlikely as it may be for two cabbies to meet like that in all of the many intersections that comprise Manhattan's street grid. Maybe they simply recognized the serial numbers on each other's cabs as meaning they were employees of rival cab companies, between which bad blood brewed. Since they were both headed in the same direction on a long boulevard, maybe they'd already clipped each other's cars further uptown.
Nevertheless, regardless of the reason for why two men identifying as Muslims (at least by their turbans) would pursue such a reckless and vicious episode of road rage down Second Avenue, that experience remains for me a strangely fascinating example of New York City's freakish character.
And, frankly, I thought I'd better commit this story to narrative form before political correctness silences such vignettes from being retold for fear of insulting anybody.
So, for the record, here is a list of everybody who looks bad in this story: cab drivers, Middle-Eastern men, men who wear Muslim-looking turbans, as well as the entire workforce in New York City's street maintenance department.
Oh - and me, for not being more patient and merely waiting for a bus. Or for not simply walking some 40 blocks back to my apartment.
Or those of us in this entire list combined - plus New York City's eight million other residents - who apparently think putting up with such incidental experiences while living in the Big Apple is worthy of civilization's greatest city.
I have to admit I'm glad I can recount this tale from the relative sanity of bland ol' Arlington, Texas.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Things to Know About Dementia, Part 4
For Part 1, click here.
For Part 2, click here.
For Part 3, click here.
19. Shoes and Socks
Some dementia patients seem to develop a peculiar obsession with their shoes and socks. I've already told you about Mr. Laurel, the gentleman at Autumn Leaves who wears mis-matched shoes. And never with socks!
The bank CPA hardly ever wears shoes at Autumn Leaves; she walks the halls all day long either in her stocking-feet, or bare-footed. Or, often, with one sock on, and the other sock left hanging neatly on a hallway hand rail at the other end of the building. Or simply placed on a couch, or dropped onto the floor. One of the secretaries keeps a bin behind her desk for all of the stray socks the CPA - and several other residents - leave behind for somebody else to find.
The lady with Lewy Body dementia can't do a lot of things, but one task she can deftly perform is removing her shoes and socks! The staff will put on each sock, and then her slip-on shoes, and practically as if by magic, she'll wiggle her feet, and they'll be bare! It is uncanny. She, the CPA, and several other women don't regularly take off any other garment except for whatever is on their feet. (There is one female resident who frequently unbuttons and removes her button-up blouses; why do staffers continue to dress her in such a top? Because her husband refuses to admit that his wife shouldn't wear such garments, and he insists that her wardrobe be dominated by them, because that's what she used to prefer pre-dementia.)
In our experience, men don't seem to have the same fixation with bare feet. But Dad did eventually forget how to tie his lace-up shoes. Laces also become a trip hazard, so we took the decorative leather strings off of his rubber-soled house slippers and let him go with the strapless look.
20. Going Home
Where is home for you? It's where you're living right now, correct? When you're at work, and you say you want to go home, you mean you want to be at your current place of residence.
Perhaps, if you're nostalgic, you might refer to a prior location where you once lived as "home."
But when a dementia patient tells you they want to go home, what "home" do they mean?
During his early years of dementia, Dad could readily remember his home address. He could recognize our neighborhood as we pulled into it off of the main street. He could identify our house as we approached its driveway. He knew where "home" was.
However, things began to get tricky when Dad would be safely inside the house in which he'd lived since 1978, and ask us when we were going home. He'd be confused, and he wanted us to take him home.
He'd stand at the sliding glass door, looking out onto our wide patio and the backyard he'd mowed for three decades, and ask whose apartment he was in. Was this in Brooklyn? Our expansive, suburban property sure didn't look like the dense urban environment of his childhood!
That's when Mom and I realized Dad was spending more and more of his mental time in his far earlier memories of New York City. At first, we deduced that Dad was "living" in his former home at 755 42nd Street, in Brooklyn, where he hadn't lived since the early 1960's. As his dementia worsened, Dad "moved" himself back even further, to 832 42nd Street, where he grew up. Several times, he was back to his preschool days, on 41st Street - where home had been for him over 80 years ago.
Where is home?
I've already mentioned the resident at Autumn Leaves who frequently waits in a hallway for the evening bus to Maysville. This resident's wife told us Maysville was a town close to where he'd grown up in rural Oklahoma.
Shirley, the nonagenarian resident famous for her red sweaters, constantly pines for Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where she grew up, raised four children, and buried two husbands. Her daughters say she hasn't lived in Tahlequah in over half a century, but she can recall details of the place that sound pretty accurate to us.
The bank CPA appears to have no idea where Arlington, Texas, is (the city in which she's lived most of her life, and where Autumn Leaves is located), but whenever Mom or I mention "Maine" to her, the state where she was born, she usually lights up with a big smile.
Last fall, Dad began what would become a regular ritual of his, mostly in the late afternoons and evenings, during that dreaded "sundowning" exhibited by most dementia patients: "I want to go home."
"When can I go home?"
"I'm going to go home."
Yet he was home. He just didn't recognize where he was as his home. It quickly became extremely upsetting to Mom and me, realizing that Dad didn't know where he was. The one place where we usually feel safest and most secure - our home - had been taken from him by his own brain.
And it wasn't just that he didn't recognize his own home. He began to accuse us of holding him hostage, so he couldn't go home. There were times I'd stand before the closed front door as an obstacle to keep him from walking out into the chilly night air. We installed a buzzer on the front door (he never tried to "go home" through any other door in the house) to warn us whenever he'd try to leave.
One winter afternoon, while it was still light outside, I finally let him "go home," just to see what would happen. I followed him as he stalked down the driveway, got the street, and began arguing with me about going home. But he didn't know which way to go! He had no idea where "home" was anymore. It was so pitifully sad to watch. He simply argued with me, as if I was delaying his escape to his home.
If this happens to your loved one, don't be surprised if it breaks your heart. Their desire to go home is something that most dementia patients seem unable to control. And you can't control it, either. We had a big framed poster of Sheepshead Bay, a coastal neighborhood in Brooklyn, hanging over the fireplace, so I took it down and hid it in a closet, thinking the Brooklyn reference was tricking Dad's memory. We stopped closing the drapes at night, and I turned on the backyard lights when it got dark so Dad could see his patio and lawn and understand he wasn't in somebody's high-rise apartment. Mom and I took Dad on tours throughout his own house, hoping that by pointing out pieces of furniture, paintings, and family photographs, he'd recognize where he was. None of it worked.
We finally figured out that "home" for dementia patients isn't a geographic location. For dementia patients, "home" is a state of mind, a place of peaceful refuge from the confusion and anxiety of severe memory loss. "Home" to a dementia patient may look an awful lot like the place where they grew up - back when, as a child, their responsibilities were far less demanding, and their lifestyles far less complex. But "home" isn't really Brooklyn, or Maysville, or Tahlequah. "Home" is that elusive cocoon of serenity and placidity that most all of us probably desire for ourselves, but which doesn't really exist for any of us.
For people of faith, like Dad was, "home" eventually seemed to become a reference to Heaven. For a long while, Dad's speech remained the most lucid when he prayed, and he had a deep faith that Jesus Christ loved him and heard every word he prayed. Even during his stay at Autumn Leaves, Dad would almost plead with God to be taken Home to Heaven. The Bible teaches that Heaven is the eternal Home God is preparing for all of us who believe that Christ is His holy Son. It is a place of perfection, peace, health, and wholeness.
And Mom and I believe Dad really is now finally Home. He knows he's Home, his memory has been restored, he knows who he is and who we are, and he is at peace in the literal presence of his Lord, the God Who allowed dementia to ravage him in the first place.
In Conclusion
So, why does God allow people to suffer awful diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's? It's a question that has haunted me for years, and even now, I can't claim to have found an utterly irrefutable answer. But I have come to understand in a better way how profoundly evil our sin nature is to God. In the same way that dementia thoroughly destroys a human brain, sin thoroughly destroys the purity God desires each of us to have. After all, the Bible teaches that God can only look upon purity. That's the whole point of Jesus Christ, His Son, coming to Earth and dying for our sins. Christ' perfect sacrifice purchases our salvation from sin, so God can receive us as His holy people.
Often, I'm tempted to gloss over the heinousness of sin, or the damage and destructiveness sin can wreak upon us physically, mentally, morally, spiritually, socially, politically, and emotionally. Yet now, for me, dementia reminds me almost constantly of how vile and wicked sin is in God's eyes.
Back when I was a youngster, my dear Dad explained to me who Jesus is, and ever since then, I've believed that Christ provides me salvation from my sins. But it's been during these past eight years, as I've had a front-row seat through Dad's journey with dementia, that I've been forced as never before to evaluate what I believe about God, Christ, holiness, sin, salvation, and eternity.
Now that I'm on this side of that awful journey with Dad, I can say that I'm more convinced than ever before that I am not in control of my life, just as Dad wasn't in control of his life. And you aren't in control of your life, either. So who is in control of our lives? It must be God, right? That's what the Bible teaches. Which means God is holy, Christ is His Son, sin is real and really evil, and that salvation from that sin is essential in determining where I spend eternity.
Not that I understand all of this completely, or have yet found perfect peace in the wake of Dad's "Homegoing." But I believe that I have re-discovered my reason to hope in God.
Indeed, it's the same reason any of us have to hope. The reason is that God truly is sovereign. Which means I am not! Yet He loves me anyway, even more than my dear Dad did.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Things to Know About Dementia, Part 3
For Part 1, click here.
For Part 2, click here.
For Part 4, click here.
18. Activities for Dementia Patients
What activities can you do with dementia patients? Guess what - this is not an easy question to answer, either! If you're looking for a bullet-point list of activities to try, that's not the place to start. Like everything else with dementia, you're going to have to work harder than finding a list of suggestions.
Why? Well, like many things about dementia, this is a question whose answer depends heavily on the individual patient. Variables include the stage and type of dementia being exhibited by the patient, their overall disposition and competencies before their diagnosis, other physical limitations they may have, and however robust their attention span is.
Indeed, a dementia patient's attention span plays a critical role in how and what they can accomplish. An attention span relies almost exclusively on memory, and what's the hallmark of dementia? An ever-declining capacity for memory, right?
Why is attention span so important? There are many residents at Autumn Leaves who can only remember simple instructions for simple tasks for literally a second or two. I'm not kidding. So, if they can't remember what they're doing, or why they're doing it, the best activity in the world will be fruitless. You'll be spending so much time reminding the dementia patient of basic procedures and reasons, it won't be a positive experience for you, and your aggravation likely will be negatively sensed and processed by the dementia patient.
Sometimes, for example, staff members have to repeatedly remind residents of a task like "sit down." One lady who can't walk will try to stand up out of her wheelchair, and the staff will say gently, "sit down, please;" and she'll obediently say "okay," and sit down. But as soon as her bottom touches the seat of her wheelchair, the resident will begin her process of trying to stand up again. The staffer will say gently, "sit down, please," and she'll say "okay" in the same obedient, monotone voice, and sit down. Yet this process can go on numerous times until a staff member wheels the resident to another room. Is the resident being intentionally belligerent? No, she simply cannot remember the request for more than a second or two. Meanwhile, the staff has discovered that placing her in a new environment - even just another room - usually is enough to "redirect" her attention span to something else, instead of wanting to get up out of her wheelchair.
So when it comes to activities for dementia patients, you will need to factor in the length of time a dementia patient can literally remember what they're supposed to be doing.
Plus, their ability to remember what they're supposed to be doing correlates with their ability to remember how to do it.
During the early years of his retirement, my father used to paint with acrylics and watercolor, work crossword puzzles, draw, read, mow the lawn, and listen to classical music. It wasn't long after his diagnosis of dementia that Mom and I noticed him painting less and less. Finally, he'd become so frustrated in his growing inability to paint what he wanted to paint that he completely stopped what had, for a long time, been his favorite hobby.
Crossword puzzles lasted a little bit longer, but I noticed they became more and more incomplete. Drawing stopped. Dad continued to read his Bible up until the time we finally had to place him in Autumn Leaves - but by then, it seemed as though he spent more time staring at his open Bible than actually reading it - and who knows how much of what he read he could comprehend.
He mowed the lawn up until the spring of 2014, even though the quality of his mowing had already gotten pretty bad. He'd leave gaps of tall grass across the yard, a sloppiness due at least as much to his forgetting to wear his glasses as much as his overall mental decline.
And classical music? Over the years, Dad had amassed a collection of dozens of CDs, cassette tapes, and over 100 old LPs, but about two years ago, we noticed that he never listened to them, or to the all-classical radio station in Dallas. Occasionally, he'd ask me to find WQXR on his Bose radio, but that was one of New York City's classical stations, and he didn't understand that Dallas' station was all his radio could get here in Texas.
So how did Dad spend his days? Well, he spent a lot of time staring at his Bible, dozing, asking Mom and me the same questions over and over, and rummaging through the drawers of the desk in his home office, rearranging all of the pens, pencils, 3x5 cards, nick-knacks, small hand tools, paper clips, and other whatnots countless times. In fact, rearranging his desk drawers, his office closet, his bookcase, and his collection of music CDs soon became his primary activity.
At Autumn Leaves, the staff will give high-functioning residents some repetitive tasks so that the residents will be occupied but also get a sort of sense of purpose and accomplishment. Things like folding letters, stuffing envelopes, folding towels, sorting M&M's by color. They're things "healthy" folks consider monotonous; yet monotony is a valuable, soothing, and healthy thing for dementia patients.
One of the most engaging activities they hold at Autumn Leaves involves a big balloon that a staff member, in a room full of residents, will toss at somebody, and then encourage them to bounce towards somebody else. Even weak and lethargic residents can at least tap the balloon, or let it hit an arm or leg, and thereby make the balloon move. And with a balloon - softer than the softest sports ball - nobody gets hurt. Balloons also move through the air at a slower speed than any other ball, so dementia patients can more easily watch it and visually track its movement, giving their brain and muscles time to coordinate and react to however the balloon is moving.
Some residents could paint quite artistically, and a professional artist with training in coaching dementia patients through crafts was brought in monthly to host a painting workshop. They took Dad in to paint in one of those workshops, however. The artist had cut up bits of scrap wood and drawn a bird on each one that the residents could then paint however they wanted. Dad had scrawled a weak line of yellow paint across his bird, and could do no more. Mom and I almost cried when we saw it, and what it represented: the complete absence of his former proficiency in painting.
So, in what ways can you creatively engage your dementia patient? Be realistic about what you want to accomplish. Even at Autumn Leaves, the number of residents who participate in daily exercises, sing-alongs, "this day in history" activities, and cooking activities represents a small portion of the facility's overall population. Some of the higher-functioning residents get taken on short excursions out to eat or even to the zoo, but those require a high degree of planning and execution so everybody is kept safe and accounted for.
We let Dad do at home whatever he wanted to do, and that was predicated on what he'd wanted to do back before dementia. But your loved one's interests and abilities will decline, and there's little you can do about it except adapt to each new low. Dad used to enjoy fixing his own lunch, for example, but when we caught him trying to microwave something wrapped in aluminum foil, we had to start warming things up for him ourselves. He used to go down the steep embankment to the creek behind our house to feed the turtles, but when we realized his balance was getting bad, Mom simply stopped giving him bread to take down there. And he forgot to ask.
Fortunately for us, Dad was often content to merely sit under the massive magnolia tree in our backyard and watch jet airplanes circle about overhead in the afternoons. But again, his balance was so bad, I'd often go out with him, just to make sure he didn't fall when setting up or closing up his camp chair on the grass.
I'd also sit with him out there so that when he'd ask me whose backyard we were in, I could reassure him that it was his.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Things to Know About Dementia, Part 2
For Part 1, click here.
For Part 3, click here.
For Part 4, click here.
15. The "Bad Guy"
Some dementia patients seem to single out one of their loved ones or caregivers to be some sort of "bad guy." Dementia patients can get quite frustrated with their declining memory, and even if they can't figure out what is wrong, they know that somebody must be to blame for something.
And who do they see most often? Probably a loved one, right? Particularly if that loved one is a frequent caregiver. So one of those loved ones may become a target for their anger and confusion.
Remember, logic is one of the first things to get muddled by dementia.
With Dad, for example, I was the one who wound up getting blamed for all sorts of things, from petty misunderstandings with which I wasn't even involved, to Dad's general forgetfulness. At first, it was difficult for me, having Dad lash out against me so. But I came to appreciate the fact that, at least, Dad was lashing out at me instead of Mom. That could have been an even more troublesome scenario.
At Autumn Leaves, we became friends with a devoted husband whose wife, a victim of Lewy Body dementia, would rarely talk with him during his visits. Granted, his wife can barely talk in the best of circumstances, but she would sometimes softly banter with me, or become fairly animated when her grown daughters would visit; yet she'd be strangely silent when her husband was around. And from all accounts, they'd had a very affectionate relationship before her dementia set in.
It seemed that, for whatever reason, this doting husband had become his wife's "bad guy." And there didn't seem to be anything he could do about it.
Another resident at Autumn Leaves has three children; two daughters and a son, and the two men used to do everything together. After his dementia set in, however, the father has become inexplicably brittle towards his son. Another family we know of has a mother slipping into dementia who seems to be systematically vilifying a grown son of hers whom she used to deeply admire.
As far as we can tell, there's nothing any of us "bad guys" should have done differently to keep the full affections of our dementia-stricken loved ones after their memory changed. Meanwhile, plenty of residents at Autumn Leaves don't seem to have singled out any particular person as a "bad guy," so it's not a universal phenomenon in the dementia world.
Nevertheless, if the same thing begins happening in your family between your dementia patient and a close loved one, don't presume it's anybody's fault. Simply chalk it up to yet another manifestation of dementia's bizarre cruelty - or even as a perverted reminder of the closeness you've shared with your loved one all of the years before.
After all, it doesn't seem as though dementia patients pick as their "villain" somebody they haven't deeply loved in their past.
16. Giving Up Driving
When should a dementia patient give up driving? Wow - big question, isn't it? This is a particularly tricky situation, since for many Americans, driving is the quintessential representation of independence.
It's not just a question of the age at which our elderly drivers should relinquish their car keys. Some dementia patients, such as my Dad, did not exhibit the delays in reflex that can make old-age driving dangerous. Indeed, some "normal" drivers tend to have worse road manners than people struggling with dementia!
Yet, beyond independence, the main issue about driving is safety, right? Safety for the driver and their passengers, and for other people sharing the public roadways. Yet how many children are concerned about safety? The reason I ask is that since dementia patients are regressing into their childhood, you likely won't be able to bank on the safety factor for logic in helping a dementia patient give up their keys.
Nevertheless, once your loved one has been diagnosed with any form of dementia, it is imperative that they no longer drive alone. You now have the responsibility of ensuring your loved one's overall safety, and it is blatant irresponsibility to let anybody with memory problems drive anywhere by themself. As hard a task as that likely will be, it's one of those new realities that simply must be enforced. It's for your loved one's good, as well as yours, should they ever get lost while driving alone.
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Dad and Mom at Autumn Leaves, May 2015 (photo taken with my old flip phone!) |
Indeed, the blow to your loved one's independence can be cushioned if they can still drive well enough with you or another responsible adult in the vehicle with them. As far as our family's experience goes, if the dementia patient can maintain a suitable safety record, and as long as you're utterly comfortable riding with them as they drive, foregoing the ultimate showdown over their keys could be a kick-the-can-down-the-road issue.
Let me explain. For our family, realizing Dad had a dementia problem all began with a simple afternoon task in 2007. Mom sent him on a routine errand to a grocery store five minutes from the house. Several hours later - after a panicked evening for Mom and me, trying to figure out where he was - we learned he was at a grocery store half an hour away from home. He'd never been there before, he didn't know where he was, and he didn't know how he'd gotten there.
Fortunately for us, an employee at the grocery store noticed Dad was a bit confused. The employee asked Dad if they could call his home for him, and thankfully, Dad could remember his home phone number (a number he'd known since moving to Texas in 1978).
The very next day, Mom called their doctor, and we officially embarked on Dad's eight-year journey through dementia.
It wasn't until he was seven years into his journey, however, that Dad himself decided not to drive. For a long time, we let Dad drive within a very tight radius around his home, to the bank, grocery store, post office, and church. And either Mom or I always - always! - rode with him. It likely helped enormously that in his career, Dad did a lot of driving to sales calls, so for a long stretch of his life, he'd developed road safety skills that stayed with him long into his dementia journey.
Indeed, being so used to driving, it now bugged Dad that he couldn't just drive off by himself, but he seemed to realize that something was wrong. "I can't wait until I can drive by myself again," he'd often mutter as he and I got in his minivan. But I wouldn't say anything, knowing that he'd never be able to drive by himself ever again. We wouldn't let him get on a freeway, or go outside the approximately one-mile perimeter where all of Mom and Dad's regular destinations were. We never announced that someday we'd have to take away his keys permanently. And when, in the spring of 2014, he told Mom out of the blue that he didn't feel like driving that day, we didn't make a big deal out of it. And he never asked to drive again.
You probably won't experience such a drama-less scenario with your loved one when it comes time for them to relinquish the driver's seat. But as long as you're willing to ride with your loved one as they drive, and establish other rules, understand that a diagnosis of dementia, in and of itself, isn't necessary the time to take away the keys. This will likely be one of those areas where you'll have to play it by ear.
Actually, the fact that Dad, even six or so years into dementia, could distinguish himself as a better driver than far younger folks on the road, probably says more negative things about the way other people drive these days.
17. Sloppy Word Association
Learn how to creatively process your loved one's increasingly sloppy word association. Dementia patients who can talk (many lose their ability to speak) can still experience difficulty in arranging the things they say into a conventional grammatical sequence. They can also spit out words that don't seem to make sense. They'll substitute words that aren't specific to the topic, but if you work at it, often you'll discover that those words may be pretty accurate - if you can figure out how they're related.
For example, the last time Dad verbalized a greeting to Mom, his wife of 50 years, he blurted out, "Hello, Pete!" Peter is the name of his youngest son. So, okay; at least Dad used a family name; the name of a beloved person for him. He didn't get the "Eileen" part, but he associated Mom's presence with somebody very close to his heart, and his brain flipped out my brother's name instead. Oftentimes, that's as good as it's gonna get. Simply take it and move on. At least your loved one can still talk. As I said, many lose that ability, and can merely moan, stutter, become literally mute.
One resident at Autumn Leaves, the former bank CPA who now spends her days wandering around clutching pillows, surprised us all one morning. Usually, this CPA mumbles a series of one-syllable words - usually words that begin with the same letter of the alphabet - and that's simply the extent of her talking. But this particular morning, she was standing with her husband, who was visiting like Mom and I were. We were chatting with one of the facility's activity directors, who was expecting her first child, and had begun putting on weight. And the CPA's husband cracked a fatty joke.
The former bank CPA wheeled around, a scowl immediately clouding her face, and she shook a skinny index finger in her husband's startled face. "NO!" she proclaimed loudly and firmly. "Not my husband!"
She knew that her husband had make a joke at somebody else's expense, and she didn't like it.
Her chagrined husband willingly acknowledged his error. "Fancy her taking this moment to be lucid," he sighed.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Things to Know About Dementia
For Part 2 in this series, click here.
For Part 3 in this series, click here.
For Part 4 in this series, click here.
Dementia: The Raw. The Real. The Poignant.
There are many awful ways to die. But dementia is one of the worst.
While I'm no expert on the subject, dementia has become a part of my life. At least, as a person who's had a loved one stricken with it. My father fought dementia for approximately eight years, the last nine months of which was spent in a professional memory-care facility called Autumn Leaves.
Even though Dad was the patient, my entire family ended up fighting his dementia along with him. And if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, that battle will quickly become yours too, whether you're the patient or not.
Here are a few things I've learned from my family's experience that may help make your battle a little less surprising:
1. Explaining Dementia and Alzheimer's
Alzheimer's disease is a form of dementia, just as leukemia is a form of cancer. Dementia is the broader diagnosis, and Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia. The distinction is important because not everybody with dementia has Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's can literally kill, whereas generic dementia does not.
2. Dementia is More than Alzheimer's
Other types of dementia include Lewy Body disease, which particularly affects muscle control, and even Parkinson's disease. These are potentially-lethal medical conditions whose causes generally have nothing to do with mental capabilities, emotional health, or other psychological considerations. People with dementia are not "crazy," although many dementia patients develop forms of depression in association with their dementia.
3. General Forgetfulness is Not Dementia
Dementia is not simply a problem with one's memory. Forgetfulness is not, by itself, a precursor nor a symptom of dementia. Forgetfulness is a normal part of the aging process. Dementia, on the other hand, is not a normal part of the aging process. It is a severe, abnormal decline in one's memory caused by as-yet-undetermined medical factors in the brain.
4. Can a Person Be Proven to Have Dementia?
How can you tell if you or a loved one has dementia? That's for a doctor to decide, but even then, the only way to prove a person has a disease like Alzheimer's is by an autopsy of the patient's brain.
5. Senility
Dad's process through dementia began with a medical diagnosis of senile dementia (senility) with short-term memory loss. Many doctors today consider "senility" to be a dated or obsolete diagnosis, but others use it as a convenient term to describe a moderate level of dementia. For years, his neurologist insisted that Dad had a generic, moderate dementia, but not Alzheimer's. It wasn't until Dad's last visit with his neurologist this past December that the doctor finally used the "A" word.
6. My Dad's Final Diagnosis
What finally convinced Dad's neurologist to diagnose him with Alzheimer's? It was a combination of factors Dad had been increasingly exhibiting for several months, including severe emotional aggravation, paranoia, difficulty with keeping his balance, and extreme forgetfulness. He'd be inside the home in which he'd lived for 30 years and not recognize anything about it. There would be several extended periods of time each day when he didn't know who Mom and I were. He was particularly belligerent, and a physical danger to himself and us. Combining all these behaviors, and considering Dad's seven years of continuous mental decline, his neurologist was convinced to make his final diagnosis. And it was the only cause of death listed on Dad's death certificate.
By way of information, we're told that Alzheimer's does not usually cause death. Usually, some other health condition, from cancer to heart disease, will be considered the leading cause of death. In Dad's case, however, he had no other health ailment. In layman's terms, his brain simply fell apart inside his skull, and eventually compromised his entire body.
7. Uniqueness
Just as each dementia patient is a unique individual, the ways dementia manifests itself in each patient are also unique. Dad's journey through dementia was affected by his physical make-up, his original personality and emotions, his background, his childhood, and all of the various environments in which he'd spent significant amounts of time during his life - such as Brooklyn, the Army, being a husband, being a son, attending church. It's the deep uniqueness of each human life, and how that uniqueness conditions that patient's battle with dementia, that makes it a difficult disease to diagnose and treat.
8. There is No Cure. Period.
And when I talk about "treating" dementia, make no mistake: there is no cure for dementia. There are medications Dad's neurologist prescribed that seemed to regulate some of dementia's worst symptoms, but nothing reduced or reversed those symptoms. Mom and I would consider Dad to have "plateaued" if a particular symptom seemed to stabilize for a while. But we never let ourselves be seduced by the possibility that Dad was being healed by those medications.
Hey - think about it: If there was some effective medication, procedure, mantra, poultice, lifestyle change, exercise, faith, or mystic out there that could cure dementia, don't you think somebody by now would have figured out a way to mass-market it?
9. Medications
What were the medications Dad took? I'm not going to tell you, because I don't want people running to their doctor with new ideas and medication brand-names to try. If your doctor is good, they'll already know what treatments out there may work best for your loved one.
I will say that Dad was on a popular patch for years, and he went through all of the successive upgrades in dosage available until his doctor at Autumn Leaves finally concluded that they'd ceased to provide any benefit. However, like all other medications, the patch has side effects that I've heard some patients can't abide. It just so happened that for Dad, those side effects did not present themselves.
10. No Proof Dementia Can Be Prevented
Oh, and by the way; just as there's no cure for dementia, there's no proven way to prevent it, either. All those people who say you need to exercise your brain? Don't count on it. Dad did crossword puzzles every day for years before his first neurologist visit. After he retired, he taught himself how to paint with watercolors. He took a class at a local college for painting with acrylics, and his artwork hangs all over his former office at home. He frequently drew little freehand sketches, wrote out Bible verses long-hand on 3x5 cards to help himself memorize them, and learned how to surf the Internet and send e-mails when in his 70's.
And that's not all. One of the gentlemen at Autumn Leaves right now is a member of Mensa, the prestigious high-IQ society. Most of the women at Autumn Leaves are former schoolteachers. There's a CPA, a lawyer, several small-business owners, and a number of high-ranking military veterans at Autumn Leaves. These are all people who used their brains their entire lives. Except for now.
11. Diet?
Well, it's no secret that we are what we eat. And I personally suspect that many of the chemicals we put into our bodies from all of the processed foods we eat are exacerbating our chances for developing dementia as we age. However, the head nurse at Autumn Leaves is from Kenya, and when I asked her about the rates of dementia in her home country as compared with the United States, she said that while dementia is rare in Kenya, so is old age itself! In other words, we Americans - with our processed foods - have a much longer life expectancy than people in those parts of the world with fewer processed foods. So don't bet on diet as your salvation from dementia.
12. Some Manifestations of Dementia
As for the various ways dementia expresses itself, consider that the Mensa member now unzips and urinates wherever he wants to - or needs to. The CPA now wanders around mumbling incoherently, carrying decorated throw pillows from one part of the facility to the other, all day long. One of the small-business owners waits at the "bus stop" (part of a hallway near the lobby) most evenings for the bus to Maysville, Oklahoma. And the lawyer? I won't tell you what I saw him doing with an eager female resident one evening in the atrium.
One resident claps instinctively whenever she hears music (including the lobby's doorbell chime), but she almost never talks. Another used to be an accomplished pianist, but even in the short period of time she's been at Autumn Leaves, we've seen her distinct decline, from playing often and quite proficiently, to barely being willing or able to play her favorite piece, "Walking in a Winter Wonderland." One short, petite woman who looks like she'd be a sweet grandmotherly type can curse worse than a sailor. Actually, when they're riled, most of the residents at Autumn Leaves - even my dear Dad - spew vulgarities without the slightest inhibition. Indeed, propriety and decorum are some of the social controls that dementia permanently disables in its victims, often with awkward and embarrassing effects.
13. When is Professional Care Advisable?
When should a dementia patient be placed in professional care? Well, obviously, that depends on the individual patient and their family. Some facilities offer "senior daycare," but changing the schedule and environment with daycare arrangements for dementia patients can compound their problems instead of alleviating them. Particularly in the early years of their dementia, patients need stability, normalcy, consistency, and as much of a continuation of the best environments of their past existence as possible. Another factor complicating senior daycare is "sundowning," which happens late in the afternoon as daylight begins to dim. Mornings may be one thing, but changing the environment of a dementia patient at the end of your workday could present a host of challenges that will make senior daycare unworkable.
For seven years, Mom kept Dad at home, and during that time, it was not only the most affordable option, but logistically, and considering his mental and physical health, it was the most logical one. Of course, some dementia patients have nobody at home to care for them. Some dementia patients who have been highly social during their pre-dementia lives intrinsically benefit from the stimulation of being around lots of other people, even if they're all stricken with dementia.
What you want to avoid is placing a dementia patient in an environment where they could either be ostracized by other residents for having dementia (such as a conventional assisted-living or nursing home), or where they could be preyed upon by younger, stronger, more psychotic residents (such as most Medicaid facilities, which along with prisons have become America's new psych wards). After all, dementia doesn't mean you've got mental problems; it means you have memory problems. There's a big difference.
I developed my own rule of thumb after watching a room full of dementia patients eat: If your loved one can complete a meal in a dining room with other dementia patients, then they're a suitable candidate for living in a memory-care facility.
For years, Mom and I were able to re-adjust ourselves to Dad's steady decline as he reached each new stage. However, last fall, his belligerence and paranoia became significant both in terms of their profundity, and how long each episode would last - sometimes three or four hours at a time. His lack of logic was confounding. He refused to cooperate during showers, for example, stretching a 5-minute task into a 45-minute-long ordeal, with temper tantrums that baffled us even more than they saddened us.
Then there was his paranoia. At least twice, he became convinced I was about to murder him. He'd verbally pray to God a sort of prayer of committal for himself, quivering in utter fright as I tried to assure him that I had no intention or desire to hurt him in any way. Sometimes he didn't know the way around his own home. We had the police out to the house - on his orders! - three or four times last fall, because he said he only trusted the cops. However, when he began to argue with and threaten the officers, that's when we stopped calling them.
Finally, the neurologist told Mom that for her own sake, as well as Dad's, it was time for us to place him in professional care. And moving him from home wasn't easy for us. One of the major deciding factors to do so, however, was that since Dad really didn't know where "home" was anymore, an unfamiliar environment like Autumn Leaves didn't have the impact for him that it would have had earlier in his dementia journey. I would say that when you've reached that point - where they don't know where "home" is anymore - you've come to another benchmark where professional care may be the better option than family care.
14. Dementia's Ugly Process
Throughout your family's journey with dementia, you'll learn very quickly how things that may seem to make your life easier will not do so if they don't make your loved one's life easier! One of the hardest lessons to learn about dementia is that everything soon centers around the dementia patient. And that's not something the dementia patient shrewdly contrives, no matter how selfish a person they might have been pre-dementia.
Dementia is a process by which an adult becomes like a child again; it's development in reverse. Complicating matters, of course, is that the dementia patient can't learn anything; their current behavior is almost completely predicated on their past. A child should be able to build a successive pattern of behavior based on learned outcomes of past behaviors. Meanwhile, a dementia patient operates solely on what they can remember as being habitual - something they've already learned years before. But an increasingly malfunctioning memory is the hallmark of dementia. Therefore, just as you ascribe more autonomy to a young person as they become an adult, inversely, you have to assume more control over the care of an adult stricken with dementia.
For example, the CPA's husband had an expert gauge her mental ability, and the expert figured the former accountant, who spent her career at a major national bank, currently has a brain functioning at the level of a two-year-old. Meanwhile, biologically, she's in her late 60's. And she's had dementia for approximately 10 years, meaning her husband discovered she had it when she was in her late 50's.
That's pretty young, isn't it? That's one of the scariest things about dementia in general, and Alzheimer's in particular. Of all the 47 residents at Autumn Leaves, I'd guess their average age to be somewhere in the high 70's. Not the 80's or 90's, as one might expect, seeing as how dementia is generally considered to be an "old person's disease." One resident, yes, is in her early 90's, quite spry for her age, and able to carry on a fairly logical conversation, at least if the topic is something with which she's been familiar most of her life. Then there is the CPA, who can barely talk at all, or another resident in her late 60's who softly cries most of the time.
Then there's Vivian, a former Navy WAVE, a proud veteran of World War II. Although now in her late 90's, she's as saucy as a wheelchair-bound dementia patient can be, thanks likely to her years of military service in her youth.
The first time we met Vivian was a Sunday afternoon, and Mom and I were visiting Dad in the TV room at Autumn Leaves. The thing about Vivian is that one usually hears her before ever seeing her - Vivian's voice is shrill and distinctive. That Sunday, she was invisibly bewailing her state as a resident of this home with too many hallways. Eventually she pulled herself along in her wheelchair, around the corner, and into the TV room, where some men were dozing as a football game played itself out on the big screen appliance.
"You spend all your life, working hard for your money, getting stuff, and then they put you here, and take it all away!" Vivian was hollering to nobody in particular, although everybody heard her.
Oddly enough, considering how much Mom was paying for Dad's care at Autumn Leaves, Vivian's point was true and accurate. I told Mom later: "that Vivian is a lot more with-it than people give her credit!"
Of course, it was the wheelchair-bound Vivian who, every time I saw her in the dining room, threatened to climb up onto one of the tables and dance.
"Oh, she's always saying she's going to do that," one of the resident schoolteachers would playfully scoff, "but she never does... thank goodness!"
That's another thing I've learned about dementia: You've gotta take those meager reprieves from its horror wherever you can find them.
PS - Here's the real deal: Perhaps you've discovered those smiley-faced soothsayers online or in self-help books who coo about all of the wonderful strategies you can use to combat various negative behaviors exhibited by dementia patients. Well, you can try all of those cute ideas, and maybe some of them will work on some patients.
But here's the down-low, dirty, nitty-gritty reality of dealing with dementia patients:
If they don't want to take a shower, or change their clothes, or get out of bed, or brush their teeth, tricks and gimmicks likely won't work. That's not being negative or depressive, that's simply stating reality. Don't blame yourself as a caregiver for not being able to cajole a dementia patient into doing something they truly don't want to do. Often, you'll either have to wait out the patient, change your own schedule, or otherwise accommodate the patient rather than yourself for a period of time.
Those self-help folks who come up with handy tips for frustrated caregivers are actually only adding insult to injury. "See, it works for Mr. X; you should try to make it work for Mrs. Y." But dementia care doesn't work that way. What's the easiest solution? Come to the realization that you're either going to have to force (gently, yet firmly) the dementia patient to do something they don't want to do, or you're going to have to come up with an alternative arrangement yourself.
This is why caregiving for dementia patients is so stressful.
Basically, the rule of thumb involves the degree to which the task at hand directly impacts the patient's comfort. Not their health; their comfort. For example, should you try to force dementia patients to consume medications that don't correlate with their physical comfort? Why not talk with their doctor instead, and ask why non-comfort medications are still being prescribed for a dementia patient, since dementia is an incurable prognosis?
Other tasks appear to be negligible when it comes to their comfort, but peek behind the scenes, and consider the impact not performing a certain task may have further on down the road. For example, with my Dad, he had such bad teeth, if we didn't make him brush his teeth and gargle with Listerine, he'd have soon developed significant problems in his mouth that would have become very painful for him. No, he could no longer draw the simple correlation between proper dental hygiene and a comfortable mouth, so we'd have to maintain that correlation for him. Sometimes that meant skipping the brushing and trying to get him to gargle (without swallowing it all). Sometimes it meant offering the unpleasant alternative of having me brush his teeth for him - something Dad's stubbornness wouldn't abide. After some meals, his teeth got neither brushed nor rinsed, his attitude was so bad. But we tried to make sure that happened as little as possible.
In my opinion, the objective of proper caregiving for dementia patients is for the caregiver to be suitably confident that they're doing all they can for their loved one. Nevertheless, caregivers need to remember that dementia is going to win this battle in the end, so they must be realistic about it.
It's an arduous, miserable, perplexing, morose, sad, and exhausting business - caring for a loved one with dementia. There are no shortcuts. About the only way you'll know you're doing a good job is if you're having to give up parts of yourself in the process.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Dad's No Longer Confused
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Dad and me at Autumn Leaves, his Alzheimer's facility, this past June. |
One week ago today, my dear Dad passed forevermore into the presence of his Savior. Thanks be to our gracious and merciful God. Dad is no longer confused, and he's in his right mind. His memorial service was this past Friday here in Arlington, Texas. Following is the remembrance I gave of Dad at his service:
As you can imagine, considering the agony of his eight-year
battle with dementia, it is difficult to remember Dad in his other, healthy
life. Dementia truly is “the long
good-bye.” But while dementia robbed
Dad of his memory, let’s not let it rob ours as well when thinking of him.
Dad was a proud native of Brooklyn, New York, and held a
particular fondness for the Brooklyn Dodgers and Coney Island. He tinkered with photography and roamed
Manhattan’s fabled Radio Row back before it was razed for the original World
Trade Center. Once, he drove out to
California and back, just to see the rest of this America that New Yorkers
often forget exists west of the Husdon River.
During the Korean War, he served as an Army medic in
post-World-War-Two Germany. When he
took two severe falls this past year, and was taken to the ER, he made a point
of telling everybody who came into his room - every time they came into his
room! - that he’d been an Army medic, so he’d know if they bandaged him up
properly or not.
It took him 13 years of night school to graduate from Pratt
Institute in Brooklyn. During that
time, he helped lead the youth ministry of his childhood church in Sunset
Park. He also worked for a company
called Richmond Screw Anchor that developed new ways to hold concrete
construction components together. It
would be Richmond Screw Anchor that first sent our young family to Upstate New
York from Brooklyn, and then here to Arlington, Texas, where Dad would complete
a 42-year career.
He and Mom met as leaders at one of the summer youth camps
in Massachusetts to which he’d take teenagers from his church. They married in 1965 and this past summer,
during a fleeting moment of lucidity, Dad told Mom that he didn’t ever regret
one day of their life together.
He was a loving father to my brother and me. He led me to the Lord when I was a child,
and he’s prayed for all of us - my sister-in-law and his five
grandchildren included - multiple times every day, up until the last year or
so. That’s when he began his most
severe decline. Several times every
day, Mom would tell him he had five grandchildren and each time, Dad would gasp in amazement.
At Autumn Leaves, the dementia-care facility where he lived
for his final nine months, we’d show Dad photos of his grandchildren, and he’d
rave about how good-looking they are, even if he couldn’t match names with
I can’t tell you how appreciative we are of the care Dad
received during these past months. Head
nurse Jackie Lomosi and the dedicated staff at Autumn Leaves became like
family. In his fits of paranoia, Dad
fired each of them countless times, yet they kept coming to work and tending to
his needs. I’ve seen what they do, day
in and day out, and if anybody is underpaid, it’s they.
And there are others I want to recognize publicly at this
time. I’d like to thank Reverend Wes
O’Neill and the members of Arlington Presbyterian Church for their care of Mom
and Dad. In particular, we’re grateful
for Ron Stockton, an elder at this church, who spent a considerable amount of
time in our home last December while we grappled with Dad’s extreme paranoia.
I’d like to thank my pastor, Reverend Mark Davis, and the
benevolence committee at Park Cities Presbyterian Church for their
extraordinary generosity. Then there
are our family members in Maine and Finland, and friends both here in
attendance today and others around the world, who have prayed for us and walked
with us during what has been a painful and arduous journey.
It has been through this journey of Dad’s dementia that his
one and only wife has personified the virtues of God’s marriage
covenant, and it has been through watching Mom’s utter devotion to Dad and his
well-being that I have witnessed selflessness and faith in Christ’s
promises. For better or worse, for
richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as they both shall live,
Mom jeopardized her own retirement to make sure Dad received the best care
possible. She was and remains convinced
that God will supply her needs, even as He supplied Dad’s.
Dad was not a singer, but he was proud of having sung in the
mass choir during Billy Graham’s historic 1957 crusade at Manhattan’s original
Madison Square Garden. And of that
event, one of Dad’s fondest recollections was of famed blues singer Ethel
Waters and her rendition of the 1905 Gospel song, “His Eye Is On the Sparrow,”
written by Civilla Martin and Charles Gabriel.
Would that all of us claim these lyrics as our own:
Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
Why should my heart be lonely, and long for heav’n and home,
When Jesus is my portion? My constant Friend is He:
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,
When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches WE.
I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches WE.
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Mr. Laurel's Style
During the past nine months, I've met a number of remarkable people.
They're all unique, of course; as people are. But at the same time, these people I've met tend to be remarkably similar, even though they've been born in different places, have different ages, and have done a variety of different things during their lives.
One similarity these people share is their address: the dementia care facility where my father has lived for the past nine months. I've already written about a couple of them, and friends have encouraged me to write about more of them. Yet I've held back, realizing the more I get to know these dear folks, they're still human beings of dignity. To a certain extent, they're entitled to the same privacy we should extend to anybody who isn't aware that their daily actions are being recorded for strangers to learn about later.
When Mom and I drive up to Dad's Alzheimer place, I'm frequently struck by how anonymous a building it is. From the outside, it could pass for a rambling single-family McMansion. Within its brick-and-stucco walls, however, are 43 residents representing a vast panoply of life experiences, yet who can barely remember any of them. There's a whole community within these walls, from nurses and cooks to janitors, and residents who are quite affluent, and residents whose families - like mine - are spending down their life's savings to spare their loved ones the ordeal of state-funded care.
Meanwhile, you could drive down the street, past this facility, and have no idea the significance of what's inside - or who's living inside.
I've already introduced you to Shirley, she of red sweater fame. But she's one of the better-functioning members of this curious community. Most of these patients, like Shirley, are white, but there are several black residents as well. One of them, Mr. Laurel, has been particularly interesting to get to know.
Mr. Laurel is probably in his late 70's or early 80's, with a head full of dusty-gray hair. He is extraordinarily tall and enviously thin. Although his two cloudy eyes tend to aim in different directions, he has a handsome face, as well as a disarmingly cavalier disposition. And like an aristocrat from another generation, he always dresses for dinner!
Oh, boy, how he dresses!
Let's start with his feet, which are long and often quite swollen, and crusted white from poor circulation. Mr. Laurel rarely wears socks, because of his puffy ankles, which roll down from under pants that are always far too short. He also rarely wears the same set of shoes at any one time; almost always, he's got mis-matched shoes on! Usually they're at least the same color, but one may be a lace-up, while the other is a slip-on.
When he wears his slippers, however, he wears a tan one and a black one. At least when he's wearing his slippers, though, he also is wearing his elegant silk bathrobe... neatly tucked into his pants.
Yesterday, he was wearing his pants wrong-way around.
And I couldn't count the number of shirts he was wearing. But they were all smoothly tucked into his back-side-to pants, and the collars of each shirt were methodically folded over the other, like birds' feathers.
Indeed, when he shows up in the dining room, no matter the meal, he's a sight to behold!
One day, he appeared fairly normal, albeit in a thick wool sportshirt, which seemed a bit uncharacteristic for him. Most mealtimes, Mr. Laurel will sport one of his tailored suit jackets - meticulously turned inside-out. How he can wear his clothes in ways they were not constructed to be worn - yet also look so neat and tidy - baffles me.
At any rate, I commented to him that with his thick sportshirt, he appeared uncharacteristically under-dressed for dinner. At least, by his own standards.
"I'm not under-dressed," Mr. Laurel happily countered, grinning broadly as he turned up the cuffs of his thick sportshirt to reveal its quilted lining. It was like a padded hunting jacket that folks way up north wear when it's freezing outside.
"See? This here's BLACK!" he exclaimed emphatically, pointing to the shimmering satin quilted lining that, to him, offered the requisite degree of panache.
For the posh folk, of course, black attire is always proper dinner etiquette.
One element of style with which Mr. Laurel is hardly ever without is his ballcap, a black Navy-themed number with colorful embellishments around the U.S. Navy logo. When I first introduced myself to him, he shook my hand with his long, bony fingers, and then immediately removed his cap.
"This here cap has something on it that will tell you everything you need to know about me," Mr. Laurel promised confidently. "Let me see... where is that?" And he fumbled with his cap, mumbling quietly as he inspected all of the stitching and graphics covering it. Finally, he found what he'd been looking for.
"There!" he exclaimed proudly. "This is all you need to know about me!" And his bony index finger was jabbing at a patch with one word on it that read, "Retired."
"Retired!" he laughed in his raspy, tired voice. "I'm retired Navy! That's all you need to know about me! I survived the Yoo-nited States Navy!"
Hey - good enough for me, right? If he survived a career in the US Navy, which by many accounts is an admirable feat in and of itself, isn't he entitled to wear whatever he wants to dinner?
Saturday, August 29, 2015
This Faith I Need
You know what I need?
I need a faith that is stronger than America's church culture.
I need a faith that is stronger than money, and what we expect it to do for us.
I need a faith that is stronger than music style, preaching style, and celebrity Christianity.
I need a faith that is stronger than race, ethnicity, culture, and nationality.
I need a faith that is stronger than anecdotes, sermon illustrations, and chit-chat before and after worship services.
I need a faith that abides in the pit of my soul, where it needs to flourish among and conquer everything else that I never tell anybody about.
I need a faith that meets the rawness of my emotions and psyche with truth, not platitudes.
I need a faith that responds to sin with truth, not arrogance.
I need a faith that concedes nothing, confesses boldly, confronts gracefully, nourishes lavishly, and persists consistently.
I need a faith that gives me sustained joy, not bursts of happiness.
I need a faith that provides contentment, not mere resignation to that which seems inevitable.
I need a faith that fosters peace, not trepidation.
I need a faith that does not fear.
I need hope.
I need all the things I've heard preachers say Christ can give to His people, but that our church culture seems to strip away and replace with personalities, programs, and processes.
I need Christ in me. Not America's culture of church.
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Sitting Down - an attempt at poetic verse
And now, for something completely different... some attempts at poetry from the opinionated layman. In this installment, we contemplate one of life's luxuries when living in New York City:
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The subway, back when I was a kid. For everyone today who never knew the subways to be like this, count your blessings! |
"Sitting Down"
Luxuries come in small doses
In New York City.
Down below
Where the scent of urine lingers in fetid air
Where a sliver of concrete is an island
Populated by dozens – even hundreds of people
For only a collection of minutes.
But it can seem much longer than that
When there’s only so much space
On that dirty concrete sliver of an island.
Trains come screeching into and out of the station
Blowing dust and debris and trash
Thin aluminum doors jerk open
And human beings of all sorts pop out.
Some pushed, some stumbling like they were leaning on the door
before it opened
Most just rushing, rushing, rushing.
Only when a train is put out of service do people leave a subway car slowly
Reluctantly, wistfully
Reluctantly, wistfully
As if not wanting to leave what a minute before
Had been someplace from which they otherwise would have preferred to escape.
Had been someplace from which they otherwise would have preferred to escape.
(“Sick passenger” is one of the things you don’t want to hear
as a subway passenger
because that means your train is automatically going out of service
and there’s nothing you can do about it.)
So all ashore that’s going ashore
Having bolted from the train
But there’s no pause, no interlude... nope!
Even before the last person exits, others are pushing
through the doors, clamoring inside
An intricate weave and bob and dance
As some rush out, and some rush in
Through the same little openings in an aluminum tube.
And let’s not forget the bags
The shopping bags of all sizes from stores posh and plain
The hand-held briefcases with their hard corners
The enormous backpacks with their swinging straps
The diehard travelers with their rollable luggage
Crazy moms with their strollers
Musicians with their trombone and violin cases
The Chinese immigrants with their bags of raw vegetables,
meat, and fish
The corporate women with an impressive number of designer
leather bags hanging from both shoulders…
Back in the 80’s, punks boarded trains with enormous
black boom-boxes perched on their shoulders.
Older women in faded London Fog topcoats
boarded trains with a flimsy wire basket on two bent wheels.
Everybody's got something to haul, it seems.
Everybody's got something to haul, it seems.
cautions the conductor in a bleak voice that betrays the frequency
of the warning
And whether you were able to hear the conductor or not, the doors
suddenly spring shut
Whether you’re ready or not
Whether people are nearly sliced in two by the closing doors or not.
After all, the pace of the city can’t stop because you might miss your train
Whether people are nearly sliced in two by the closing doors or not.
After all, the pace of the city can’t stop because you might miss your train
Although some people will give it a try
And push their briefcase between the closing doors
Or their arm, or hand
Sometimes the doors pop right back open as sensors detect
the obstruction
Or sometimes they close hard
Or sometimes, to the amusement of those inside the car
They slam open and closed in rapid succession, pounding
against the stubborn briefcase (bodily appendages have already been pulled
away) like the doors are beating the obstruction into submission.
If they’re quick, the briefcase’s owner can dart onto the
And everyone can proceed.
And all this within mere seconds.
Life happens fast in New York.
And there – ahhh! – in the middle of the car
But preferably at the end of a row
Or maybe in a corner
There it is
The prize of the subway rider
The throne of the victor, the patient, the weary
The orange square that heralds relief:
An empty seat!
Luxuries come in small doses in New York.
And most subway seats are colored orange.
Which makes orange the subway rider's color of reward.
And most subway seats are colored orange.
Which makes orange the subway rider's color of reward.
The rules for the empty seat are at once complex and simple.
If the car is mostly empty, everyone can sit in complete
If the car is SRO, people may stand out of rare deference to
Or because theirs is the next stop anyway
Or because they’ve been sitting all day at work
Or because personal space is also a valuable commodity in the dense metropolis.
Or because personal space is also a valuable commodity in the dense metropolis.
Obviously infirm people
Wobbling on crutches or with a cane – are oftentimes given a
In a magnanimous gesture not wholly forgotten in the City
And obviously pregnant women are given seats too
But that’s about the limit of subway rider generosity.
Its that orange square, however
Gleaming from its plastic frame
That is the prize
People scope the car quickly
Their eyes darting throughout the car even as they dash
In an instant, calculations are made
Evaluations of the neighbors of the orange square
Is that guy drunk? Is that woman too obese that she’ll lean
on me? Might that kid mug me?
All up and down the car
And then, in competition with the others who have just
entered this microcosm
You make your move, stake your claim,
Or sometimes in exhaustion
Or sometimes defiantly….
And then
You think…
You think…
Friday, July 10, 2015
Honest Abe - In His Own Words
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"President Lincoln and Family," an engraving by A.B Walter in 1865 and published by John Dainty, Philadelphia; from my family's private collection of vintage Americana |
The following is an essay I wrote last year for Abraham Lincoln's birthday. I thought it was appropriate to revisit the legacy of our Civil War president as, today, America roils over the legacy of its Confederacy and its most notorious flag:
"I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way
the social and political equality of the white and black races."
- Abraham Lincoln, September 18, 1858
the social and political equality of the white and black races."
- Abraham Lincoln, September 18, 1858
On this day in 1809, in a tiny Kentucky village, the 16th president of the United States was born.
For all of his modest beginnings, however, Abraham Lincoln would become one of the most pivotal figures in American history. And after his assassination in 1865, his life would develop a legendary status of almost mythical proportions. At least among Northerners and minorities, anyway.
For many white Southerners, Lincoln was and has remained a man of tyranny at worst, or duplicity at best.
It has been said that a war's victors get to write its history, and that has indeed been true of America's brutal Civil War. Although Southern whites have long protested the saintly virtue and stoic resolve that has been inscribed into Lincoln's epitaph, such protestations have been met with derision by a country eager for heroes and anxious to move on from those awful, bloody war years.
It's not that racism didn't - and doesn't - exist in America's North, or that all Southerners were - or are - racists. The factors that contributed to our Civil War, and its legacy, are far more complex than racism. There were - and are - raw economic factors, and Constitutional questions, and plain old desperate politicking. Warring amongst ourselves for four years proved to be the most bitter scourge we've inflicted upon our country to date, and every year, it seems, Lincoln's birthday, or some commemoration of his presidency, increasingly rubs salt into those wounds.
You see, the Lincoln that was wasn't the Lincoln many Americans want him to be.
Ever since I moved to Texas as a teenager, I've heard that the Civil War wasn't about slavery. It was about states' rights. Federal officials from the president on down had no right to dictate to states the manner in which they should modernize their economy, which in the South, according to conservative Southerners, was a topic that included slavery only in the context of a labor force.
When I was in college, I heard that the Civil War wasn't about states rights, but about economic prosperity. The South, thanks to cheap labor from slaves, had become mired in an agrarian economy, while the North was rapidly expanding, thanks to the Industrial Revolution. The bit about slavery was, more or less, the straw that broke the camel's back.
Yet when I was a small boy, growing up in rural New York State, in a region near Syracuse that was, during the Civil War, a hotbed of Abolitionist fervor, Abraham Lincoln was practically deity. He won freedom for the slaves because he valued their humanity. And throughout almost all of my life, I've held to that notion, even if states rights and economics were valid components of the Civil War. More than anything, I'd been taught that Lincoln was the great emancipator, and I assumed people who claimed otherwise were simply poor losers, or blatant racists. I never idolized Lincoln, or worshiped his legacy, but since most of the grumblings against him were coming from Southerners who seemed preoccupied by the Civil War, it was easy for me to assume that Lincoln provided them a better scapegoat than their venerated general, Robert E. Lee.
Perhaps, however, it's inevitable that tides turn, even in political history. Because recently, it seems that more and more questions are being raised publicly about how we should view Lincoln and his role in civil rights. In 2009, which was the 200th anniversary of his birth, several controversial books about the president were published, and one of them seemed to sum up what many of them were saying. It was entitled Big Enough to Be Inconsistent: Abraham Lincoln Confronts Slavery and Race, by George M. Fredrickson, and it dared to revive a debate between historians about the level of Lincoln's own personal racism.
Wait, you say - somebody's saying Lincoln was a racist?
Well, actually, it's simple deduction, based on Lincoln's own speeches and writings. When he was running for the United States Senate in 1858, he mentioned more than once that he did not believe blacks and whites should be socially or politically equal. He once scoffed at the notion of "negro equality," claiming that only fools believed such a thing. Even after delivering his Emancipation Proclamation, he was trying to negotiate with some Central American countries to deport America's blacks. In fact, if he wasn't assassinated so soon after the end of the Civil War in 1865, who knows if Lincoln would have succeeded in his clandestine deportation efforts? Like John F. Kennedy, who was assassinated before he had the chance to irreparably damage his own reputation, Lincoln died at a sort of zenith of his presidency, before his true beliefs about blacks could have been codified into whatever post-slavery laws he might have pursued during Reconstruction.
To be sure, Lincoln opposed the institution of slavery, but not because it involved the commoditization of human beings. Lincoln opposed slavery because it provided the South an unfair economic advantage in the eyes of Northern industrialists, who had to hire their employees. Lincoln also desired to preserve the Union, believing that both the North and the South created a far more formidable nation together than they could as separate entities. But in terms of black people having the same intrinsic rights, qualities, and humanity that whites have? No, Lincoln's writings and speeches prove that he did not believe that at all.
So where does this leave us today, as we've come to equate emancipation with civil rights? The same civil rights that Lincoln, were he alive today, would likely want to deny non-whites?
Some people give Lincoln the benefit of the doubt, rationalizing something about him "being a product of his day," where, for example, it was practically inconceivable even in the North for a black person to marry a white person. Lincoln's viewpoint, supposedly, contrasts with the progress we've made as a society, where today, racists may frown on interracial marriage, but that doesn't keep it from successfully happening.
Is that enough? Is taking what's left - Lincoln's practical opposition to slavery on economic grounds - a sufficient redemption of his legacy? Or might it simply help to explain why many Southerners seem to still be fighting the Civil War, with their continuous refusal - that is often mocked - to embrace the leader who proved militarily superior? Remember, since them ol' Yankees were the ones who wrote the war's "official" history, it was in their best interests to let their hero's faults slide into the dustbin of inconvenient memories.
For better or worse, a politician like Lincoln likely wouldn't have survived very long in today's world anyway. Not with our sound-bite news organizations, insatiable social media, and on-demand information technology. When people now ask where all of our great leaders are, perhaps it's more accurate to wonder how great our past leaders would have been had they been forced to endure the same deep scrutiny our leaders today endure. Then again, perhaps Lincoln really was a visionary for his day, and the progress he made towards equality - even though he didn't believe in it personally - was as good as could have been made in 1860's American society. If he were alive today, Lincoln might have navigated our current political waters with the same duplicity many other modern politicians do. He said what he said back then to win elections. That's all politicians do today.
What we can learn from all of this is that national leaders can't necessarily be extracted from the day and age in which they lived, and examined by a different era's standards. This is particularly true in a democratic republic, where a society, as they say, elects the leadership it deserves. It's one of the reasons why I bristle when right-wingers try to romanticize America's past, and put our Founding Fathers on pedestals. It's easier to fashion our own nostalgia than it is to wrestle with facts for which we may have to dig. Or facts which cause us to relinquish long-held beliefs and assumptions.
We're learning that Lincoln wasn't the saint many of us were taught he was, and that he might have even been more of the villain many Southerners have been grousing for generations that he was. Is that enough to revoke his tenure as one of America's greatest statesmen?
Probably not. Despite his disappointing shortcomings, he was still a pivotal president, upon whom hinged the direction of a country that hadn't even reached it's centennial when he was assassinated. He was a racist, but he sought the survival of the union of a country that has come to identify his faults for what they are. That counts as progress, doesn't it?
Our modern leaders can only hope to approximate such an imperfect legacy.
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