I am hoping to accomplish the following:
- to pique your curiosity in and stimulate further evaluation of things happening around us
- to present a different perspective for considering various issues that until now may have had just two viewpoints
- to challenge what may be conventional ways of thinking and problem-solving; perhaps not with a better solution, but at least an equally valid process
I have a good idea of my limits, so I don't plan on doing these:
- I won't set out to change your mind, just maybe stretch it a little
- I won't pretend to be an expert on any subject, because in actuality, few of us are
- I won't ignore a valid critique or better idea; indeed, I rarely mind being proven wrong if it leads to a better way of doing something
If these goals prove unrealistic, I'm sure that will become apparent sooner rather than later! But I'm going to give it a try. So thanks for visiting, please bear with me as I tinker, and send me your feedback on how things are going.
Happy 2010!
I serendipitously discovered your site an hour ago and am delightfully refreshed by your essays. About your definition of (OLI)..... I often see it as connecting to truth of what is real in my soul as a frequently different out of the box thinker instead of participating like sheep with what the "in" masses consider to be normal.